The Roundworm, Ascaris lumbricoides is the largest nematode parasite in human intestine. Disease caused by A. lumbricoides is called Ascariasis. Laboratory diagnosis of ascariasis can be made by demonstration of parasite (eggs, larvae or adult worm) or some serological methods on clinical specimens. Definitive diagnosis of ascariasis is made by the demonstration of eggs in feces.
Round to oval.
A gravid female roundworm can lay upto 2,50,000 eggs per day. This accounts for about three eggs per mg of feces. At this concentration, the eggs can be readily seen by the microscopic examination of saline emulsion of feces. Two types of eggs are liberated from the female worm of Ascaris lumbricoides:
- Fertilized eggs
- Unfertilized eggs
Feces sample may show both fertilized and unfertilized eggs, or either type alone.
Fertilized Eggs
The fertilized eggs are laid by females after inseminated by mating with a male. These are embryonated and develop into the infective eggs.
Morphology and Features
Shape | Round to oval. |
Size | 50-70um x 40-50um |
Covering | Surrounded by a thick smooth transleucent shell consisting of three layers: -The outer coarsely mamillated albuminoid coat -A thick transparent middle layer -Inner lipoidal vitelline membraneSome eggs are found in feces without the outer mamillated albuminous coat. These are called decorticated eggs. |
Bile Staining | Bile stained, golden brown in saline mount. |
Floatation | Floats in saturated salt solution. |
Ovum | Contains a large unsegmented ovum of granular mass with clear space at both the end. |
Unfertilized Eggs
The unfertilized eggs are laid by uninseminated female. Thes are non-embryonated and cannot become infective.
Morphology and Features
Size | 90um x 45um |
Covering | Albuminous coat is thin, distorted and scanty. |
Bile Staining | Bile stained, golden brown in saline mount. |
Floatation | Doesn’t float in saturated salt solution. |
Ovum | Contains an unsegmented small atrophied ovum with a mass of disorganized highly refractile granules. |
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